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Il patrimonio storico Olivetti è divenuto
caso studio per progettare e realizzare
dei prototipi di Movable Archives fruibile
e accessibile a distanza.

Domus Academy, Associazione Archivio Storico Olivetti e Co.Ideas hanno proposto un workshop
didattico a studenti e giovani designer da tutto il mondo, iscritti al Master in Interior and Living Design
di Domus Academy, per progettare installazioni mobili per l’accesso alla conoscenza delle collezioni
storiche della fabbrica di Ivrea. Di seguito tutti progetti elaborati dagli studenti, già presentati nel
febbraio 2018 presso il Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci.

Avni Gala | Hyemin Min | Kevin Lin | Vrinda Chhabra

“Like any Human organism, a company is both a structure and a form. It must have an idea of the visible quality of its presence, a perceivable identity.”

Keeping the ideology behind Olivetti’s conception and their interests in various art forms, pure or applied, we categorized their work into 8 realms of design. Emphasising on their strong use of visuals and Communication graphics, we take the viewer to the world of Olivetti through our rolling Archive, an interactive Movable touch point to explore the rich history of Olivetti. A memento that can be preserved and passed on.




Emir Polat | Shwetha Devidas | Weerapa Pongruengkiat

With detailed research, Olivetti for us, changed from the producer of the iconic Valentine to a very valuable case study for contemporary times. This revolutionary company with multiple facets concentrated on various aspects.

Adriano Olivetti, had such relevant concerns, like well being of his employees, that are applicable even today.

Through ‘Stimulus’ we intend on starting a conversation among people. By exposing them to their multidisciplinary approach in the form of quick mini timelines, we want to show the exponential growth of Olivetti and its contribution to the society, thereby boosting the ever growing Olivetti Community.



Agarrwal Anurag | Apostolou Nikoletta | Guijarro Carlos

Olivetti’s modo di fare is the essence of philosophy. Every aspect of their products, culture and social presence was a tribute to intelligence and respect for humanity. This archive is an attempt to enter Olivetti’s prodigy and core logic by demonstrating its liberal qualities, innovative ideas and radical mindset. Our ambition is to create a sensation equal to entering Olivetti’s brain and evoke curiosity for visiting and discovering the physical archive. Our focus is on the mind and soul of Olivetti which is more than objects and technology. After all, philosophy is not about what to think but about how to think.



Silvia Frassanito | Nicha Kiatfuengfoo | Shruti Garg




Cubolivetti is a modular and dynamic archive designed with the intention of creating a ‘New Olivetti Community‘ today to keep their undying spirit alive. The aim is to ‘bring people together’ through a series of workshops and events, reflecting the philosophy and craftsmanship of Olivetti and celebrating the great minds/people who built the brand. The experience will be engaging, interactive and a modern way to share the story of Olivetti in the reality of everyday.

Do you want to be a part of the Olivetti community? Take this journey through time with Cubolivetti.




Arya BaburajChiara Cioffi | Kayako AsadaVarnitha Radha Manoharan


IMPRINT 1.0 is a movable archive which engages people, letting them be a part of the Olivetti community by leaving a mark behind, taking along a memento for reminiscence.





Xiaoqing Wang | Yokeshwaran Arcot Ranganathan | Burcu Deniz Sevincli | Ankita Netalkar

The project emphasizes the value of Olivetti: ‘creating for everyone’ by abstraction of one iconic product: the ‘Valentine’. Our vision is to create a monumental installation that provides people an interactive experience with modular blocks, which comes from transformation of the ‘object’ into a ‘space’ by changing the scale of the revolutionary Valentine.




Bushiya RajaKumar | Deepihka Varradharajan | Iva Tramošljanin | Martina Urbanová

Promoting Olivetti through the city of Ivrea with different contents and memories inside a movable archive that explains the essence and historical importance of Olivetti.



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