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Pursuant to Decree-Law no. 34 of 30/04/2019, Article 35, and subsequent Law no. 58 of 28/06/2019, we hereby publish the public grants allocated to the Olivetti Historical Archive Association (Tax Code 93023540011)


Municipality of Ivrea

  • Reissue of the 2021 call for contributions to support commercial, industrial and craft activities following the epidemiological emergency from Covid-19: €690.80 credited on 02/15/2023.

Piedmont Region

  •  Table of Cultural Institutes, pursuant to Regional Law 30/6/2016, no. 13. Grant to support operation and activities for the three-year period 2021-2023.
    2022 Grant: €33,879.00 credited on 12/04/2023.

Piedmont Region

  • Table of Cultural Institutes, pursuant to Regional Law 30/6/2016, no. 13. Grant to support operation and activities for the three-year period 2021-2023.
    2021 Grant: € 30,313.00 credited on 08/03/2022.

Ministry of Culture – Directorate-General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes

  • Table of cultural institutions eligible for the State annual ordinary grant, for the three-year period 2021-2023, pursuant to Article 1 of Law no. 534 of 17 October 1996, year 2022.
    Net payment: € 188,211.96 credited on 10/05/2022.
  • Additional grants to cultural organisations included in the Table of cultural institutions eligible for the State annual ordinary grant, for the three-year period 2021-2023, pursuant to Article 1 of Law no. 534 of 17 October 1996, referred to in the inter-ministerial decree of 20 July 2021 (ministerial decree of 15 December 2021).
    Net payment: € 37,534.00 credited on 31/03/2022.
  • Allocation of the additional sum allocated to chapter 2570.
    Grant: € 788.00 credited on 17/10/2022.

Ministry of Culture – Directorate for Libraries and Copyright

  • Contribution to libraries for the purchase of books. Support for book publishing.
    Net contribution year 2022: € 4,364.09 credited on 28/10/22.
  • Grants for the operation of non-state libraries open to the public, pursuant to Circular 5/2022, financial year 2021.
    Net grant: € 4,800.00 credited on 21/11/2022.

Ministry of Culture – Directorate General Archives

  • Agreement of 3 July 2019 for Gianni Berengo Gardin Collection.
    Grant: € 4,000.00 credited on 25/03/22.

Ministry of Culture – Directorate General Budget

  • Contribution of 2×1000: € 15,877.31 credited on 23/12/2022.

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

  • Contribution from 5×1000, year 2021-2020: € 1,540.32 credited on 16/12/22.

Municipality of Ivrea

  • 2022 membership fee: € 14,300.00 credited on 10/10/2022.

Financial statements of the Association

Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities

Directorate – General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes

  • Table of Cultural Institutions, pursuant to art. 1 Law 534/1996. Contribution to support the operation and activities for the three-year period 2021-2023.
    2021 contribution: € 143,000.00 credited on 19/10/2021.
  • Contributions for the operation of non-state libraries open to the public, pursuant to Circular 5/2021, financial year 2021.
    Net contribution: € 3,100.00 credited on 11/16/2021.
  • Contribution to libraries for the purchase of books. Support for book publishing.
    Net contribution year 2021: € 4,602.44 credited on 19/10/21.
  • Directorate General for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes, Circular No. 16 of 21 December 2020 (conferences and publications).
    Net contribution: € 1,010.00 credited on 11/17/2021.

Piedmont Region

  • Table of cultural institutes, pursuant to regional law 6/30/2016, n. 13. Contribution to support operation and activities.
    2020 contribution: € 35,238.00 credited on 04/26/2021.
  • Activities to promote the conservation and enhancement of books and prints of cultural interest (Regional Law 11/2018, art. 14 and art. 21 letter h).
    Advance payment for 2020: € 5,000.00 credited on 04/27/2021.
  • Activities to promote the conservation and enhancement of books and prints of cultural interest (Regional Law 11/2018, art. 14 and art. 21 letter h).
    Balance of contribution 2020: € 5,000.00 credited on 10/13/2021.

Municipality of Ivrea

  • Membership fee for 2021: € 14,300.00 credited on 05/26/2021.

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

  • Contribution from 5×1000: € 1,188.51 credited on 29/10/21.

Piedmont Region

  • Table of Cultural Institutes, pursuant to Regional Law 30/6/2016, no. 13. Grant to support operation and activities for the years 2017-2019.
    2019 grant: €35,238.00 credited on 11/05/2020.

Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities

Directorate – General for Libraries and Cultural Institutes

  • Table of Cultural Institutions, pursuant to Article 1 Law 534/1996. Grant to support operation and activities for the three-year period 2018-2020.
    2020 grant: €49,157.69 credited on 21/07/2020.
  • Grants for the operation of non-state libraries open to the public, pursuant to Circular 138/2002, financial year 2020.
    Net payment: €3,401.00 credited on 17/12/2020.
  • Grant to libraries for the purchase of books. Subsidy for book publishing.
    Net payment: €4,998.50 credited on 9/11/2020.

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

  • Contribution from 5×1000, year 2018-2017: €1,065.03, credited on 30/07/2020.

Municipality of Ivrea

  • Membership fees for 2020: €14,300.00, accredited on 21/09/2020.

Revenue Agency

  • Non-repayable contribution pursuant to Article 25 of Decree Law no. 34 of 29/05/2020 (Relaunch Decree): €2,000.00 credited on 18/11/2020.
  • Regional Council of Piedmont
    Grant of €1,000 for organisation of the photographic exhibition “L’obiettivo di John Phillips sul mondo, fotografie 1937 1946” (September-October 2017) and the seminar “Archivi, fotografia, territorio” (10 October 2017), at the National Library in Turin.
    Grant credited on 04/02/2019: €960 net of withholding taxes.
  • Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism
    Directorate-General for Libraries and Cultural Institutes
    Table of Cultural Institutions, pursuant to Article 1 Law 534/1996. Grant to support operation and activities for the three-year period 2018-2020.
    2019 grant: €38,000.00, credited on 11/04/2019.
    Directorate-General for Libraries and Cultural Institutes
    Grant for the Library, financial year 2019, pursuant to circular 138/02, for SBN cataloguing.
    Net payment: €2,998.00. credited on 21/10/2019.
  • Municipality of Ivrea
    Membership fees for 2019: €14,300.00, credited on 30/04/2019.
  • Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Breakdown of the share of the IRPEF otto per mille’ (eight per thousand) for the year 2014 allocated by decree on 8 February 2016 for an amount equal to: €582,165.09, of which €306,082.54 disbursed in 2017, for the implementation of the “Organisation of the Olivetti Company and Family archive in Ivrea (TO)” project.
    Contribution balance credited on 24/05/2019: €276,082.55.
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
    Contribution from 5×1000, financial year 2017: €1,907.88, credited on 7/08/2019.
  • Piedmont Region
    Call for applications, bibliographic heritage 2017, pursuant to Regional Law 58/1978, Resolution no. 633 of 30/11/2017.
    Grant: €10,000.00 for organisation of the “Survey of historical collections, reorganisation, inventory and cataloguing of the periodicals of the Olivetti Historical Archive Association library” project.
    Balance of €5,000.00 credited on 17/12/2018.

Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities

  • Directorate-General for Libraries and Cultural Institutes
    Table of Cultural Institutions, pursuant to Article 1 Law 534/1996. Grant to support operation and activities for the three-year period 2018-2020.
    2018 grant: €38,000.00, credited on 14/06/2018.
  • Directorate-General for Libraries and Cultural Institutes
    Annual grant for the operation and activity of non-State libraries, pursuant to Circular 138/2002.
    2018 grant: €2,500.00, credited on 10/10/2018.
  • Contribution from 2×1000 to cultural associations, financial year 2016: €28,210.60, credited on 03/09/2018 for cultural initiatives to be carried out in the subsequent 12 months.

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Contribution from 5×1000, financial year 2016: €2,778.46, credited on 16/08/2018.

Piedmont Region

  • Table of Cultural Institutes, pursuant to Regional Law 30/6/2016, no. 13. Grant to support operation and activities for the years 2017-2019.
    2018 grant: €35,238.00, credited on 20/12/2018.
  • Call for applications, bibliographic heritage 2017, pursuant to Regional Law 58/1978, Resolution no. 612 of 06/12/2016.
    Grant: €10,000.00 for organisation of the “Survey of historical collections, reorganisation, inventory and cataloguing of the periodicals of the Olivetti Historical Archive Association library” project.
    €4,800.00 on 09/05/2018 and €4,800.00 on 22/05/2018, net of withholdings.
  • Call for applications, bibliographic heritage 2017, pursuant to Regional Law 58/1978, Resolution no. 633 of 30/11/2017.
    Grant: €10,000.00 for organisation of the “Survey of historical collections, reorganisation, inventory and cataloguing of the periodicals of the Olivetti Historical Archive Association library” project.
    Advance payment of €5,000.00 credited on 15/11/2018.

Municipality of Ivrea

  • Membership fees: €14,300.00, credited on 19/06/2018.
  • Guelpa Foundation
    Project grant for “Olivetti construction sites through the 19th century. Archives, photography, territory”: €4,000.00, credited on 06/09/2018.

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