Il sogno di un’impresa. Dall’Olivetti al Venture Capital: una vita nell’Information Technology (A company’s dream. From Olivetti to Venture Capital: a life in Information Technology) – new edition

Cod.: OLI0657

Half a century dedicated to innovation and the future of our country. Elserino Piol, a brilliant, visionary, and passionate man, was the absolute protagonist of the computer science, telecommunications, and venture capital sectors in Italy. A company’s dream is the story of a love that lasted fifty years. That of a manager committed to shaping the future of the most innovative industrial reality in the Italian and global landscape: Olivetti. A perspective, first as an employee and later as vice president, within a company that left its mark on the telecommunications sector. With the passing of the pioneer of venture capital in Italy and Europe, his fundamental testimony is revisited, offering an analysis of Italian and global computer science and telecommunications, insights into technology, its evolutions, and its potential for creating value for many entrepreneurs and talented youth. A story still very relevant, an essential piece to understand the foundations of unstoppable technological progress.

Author: Elserino Piol
Foreword by: Alessandro e Andrea Piol
Preface: Carlo De Benedetti, Gianni Di Quattro, Umberto De Julio
Publisher: Marsilio
Year: 2023
Language: Italian
Size: 14,5 x 21cm
Pages: 371
ISBN: 978-88-297-2002-b


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