Nico Osella. A lifetime in Olivetti

Cod.: OLI0660

When an autobiography is not written by a professional writer or a “man of letters,” it is often read with some prejudice. This is even more so if the author is a “man of numbers,” dealing with accounting, bookkeeping, and balance sheets, as Nico Osella does. However, in his case, the first few pages are enough to capture the reader with a writing style that is both simple and complex. It weaves together a long personal history, the story of his family, the social life of Casalgrasso in the province of Cuneo, within the Po river park, and especially of Ivrea, along with the history of Olivetti. Within this context, personal, relational, and industrial policy scenarios, products, and technologies unfold, both in Ivrea and around the world.

Author: Nico Osella
Introduction: Bruno Lamborghini
Publisher: Bolognino Publishing
Year: 2020
Language: english
Dimensions: 16,5 x 23,5 cm
Pages: 244
ISBN: 9788832252088


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