Architetture olivettiane a Ivrea. I luoghi della residenza e i servizi per la comunitĂ  (Olivetti architecture in Ivrea. Places of residence and community services)

Cod.: OLI0661

“The research on places of residence and community services represents the continuation of the first volume, published in 1998, relating to places of work and factory social-welfare services. The continuation of the study examined the evolution of Adriano Olivetti’s work outside the purely corporate context, with the aim of developing – in the territory affected by the growth mechanisms of the factory – a social system that would provide for the needs of residence and community services…” extract from the Authors’ note.

Authors: Boltri Daniele, Maggia Giovanni, Papa Enrico, Vidari Pier Paride
Preface: Enrico Valeriani
Publisher: Archivio Cattaneo Editore
Year: 2024
Language: italian
Dimensions: 21 x 24 cm
Pages: 383
ISBN: 978-88-98086-73-3


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