Aan De Oorsprong Van De Schilderkunst – The birth of panel paint

Cod.: ART0229

The catalogue “Aan De Oorsprong Van De Schilderkunst” (The birth of panel painting) was created by Olivetti Nederland in collaboration with the Bonnefantenmuseum, the J. B. Scholtenfonds and the Rijksunivrsiteit, on the occasion of the exhibition on Sienese paintings kept in the Dutch collections held at the Groninger Museum in Groningen from 18 March to 30 April and at the Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht from 9 May to 9 July 1989.

Introduction: Henk van Os
Publisher: Olivetti
Year: 1989
Language: Dutch/English
Size: 19cm x 26 cm
Pages: 288


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